Sunday, January 4, 2009

Matthew says that new year resolutions are bad. So here are three simple new year godly goals.

Respect and honour authorities. I realised I haven't really been showing much respect to Weejinn and Eddy during cell - constantly interrupting them with irrelevant and distracting comments. If you see this I want you to know I'm sorry ): I'll sit quietly and listen to you when you're teaching. And I realise I've been sleeping alot in class, which is plain disrespectful to the teachers. Sorry, I will do everything within my ability to stay awake during class now, like sleeping earlier during the school term by starting to prepare for my exams now and not leaving my projects to the last minute.

Respect and honour others. I realise I've have been making many negative remarks about people around me. Even though it's less than before, I resolve to fully abstain from gossiping and judging. And I've been interrupting a lot when my cell members share and showing disrespect through my sitting posture. Really sorry, forgive me please ):

Consecrate time each day to seek God, pray and reflect. I realise that my quiet time has been highly inconsistent throughout the holidays, even though I supposedly have more time. Despite my busy school day, I resolve to do my quiet time everyday, as well as pray and intercede for others. I recently got a planner from my mum, and I believe that God wants me to use it to record and meditate on my learning points, as well as to pen down intercession and prayer items daily. And I resolve to keep my eyes focused on God, not taking things into my own hands or being distracted.

Yup, that's about it. Only three this year, but that'll keep me busy enough. If anyone wants to, you could share your resolutions with me. We could be accountability partners and pray for each other (:

Alot of sacrifices to be made, but I like what pastor shared during service today from 2 Samuel 24:24 - 'But [king David] replied to Araunah, "No, I insist on paying you for it. I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing."' Costly sacrifices have to be made, if I'm to live life as God intended - plan A living.

All these I entrust to God. Holy Spirit, guide and teach me the the Your ways.